How to Breed Rabbits and Keep them as Pets

feeding breeding rabbits
How to Care and Breed Rabbits
feeding breed rabbits breeding
Image by Vurtov

 Rabbits make a great family pet they can be easy to look after with the right set-up. They can also be a great business opportunity if you decide to Breed Rabbits. Children love them and it doesn’t take much to feed and care for rabbits. Below is the set-up we use to make sure your rabbit gets the proper care, food, and Hutch.

Feeding Rabbits:

Rabbits will eat just about any vegetable matter from leaves, grass, grains, oats, wheat, small sticks, hay, vegetables, and my grafted fruit trees. They are fairly happy to stay in a larger hutch but if you want to let them out to roam around it’s good to rabbit-proof your home.

Rabbits make a great family pet, they can behave just like a small dog or cat at times. Running between your feet, and coming to greet you when you go outside. Just be careful not to trip over them and break a hip.

Rabbit Hutch Setup:

There are many different rabbit hutch setups on the market. Some are ground-based so you can move them around and the rabbit can munch on your lawn and there are free-standing hutches that usually have a pull-out tray to clean rabbit dropping and leftover food and hay. I prefer this type as there is less chance of a rabbit digging its self to freedom.

Rabbits are Escape artists:

Rabbits are expert escape artists. They can dig a hole or tunnel in a very short matter of time. If you do have a ground-based hutch like shown above it can be a good idea to line the base with chicken wire to stop them digging holes, with the added benefit of letting the grass through for the rabbits to eat.

Rabbits can also chew through wooden fences. Crazy as it seems but rabbits like to chew things especially if they think it will get them out to freedom.

Rabbits are Chewers:

rabbit chew toy make freeRabbit’s teeth are constantly growing and so they like to chew rough materials to wear them down a little. This will include your wooden furniture, your shoes, sandals, sprinkler electrical cables, curtains, carpet, plastic anything, and rubber stuff.

If they roam outside it’s not so much of a problem as there are a lot of natural trees and shrubs that they can chew on but if you bring them in the house, be prepared for damage. Electrical cables are a favorite for our rabbits and even outside extension leads can get chewed on.

This can be a hazard not only for the rabbit but also for the next person who decided to pick up an extension lead with a possible faulty, outer sheath. Please put away or block access to all electrical cables.

You can make your own chew toy for your rabbit. This is a simple toy that children will love to make. It involves a toilet roll and some small dry fruit tree sticks. Poke the sticks (approximately 20 cm long) through the toilet roll to the other side then add some more sticks. Add about 6 or 7 and space them out. Your rabbit will love playing and chewing with the toy. Eventually, the sticks will break or wear down so just replace them.

Breeding Pet Rabbits:

Female rabbits are normally ready to breed rabbits after the age of 6-8 months. Once a Doe (female rabbit) has had her litter it is best to let her care for them for 5-7 weeks. She is then able to breed again. The gestation period (time between breeding and kindling) is 31 days. Crazy hey they really do breed like rabbits. Make sure you take care of the young, not left out in the elements like too hot or too cold. If you Breed Rabbits have a plan to move them on when they are old enough otherwise they will be everywhere.

Hows the old saying goes “They Breed Like Rabbits”

Top 6 Smallest breeds of rabbits pets

  • Dutch rabbit (Max Weight: 5 1/2 pounds)
  • Dwarf Hotot rabbit  (Max Weight: 3 pounds)
  • Holland Lop rabbit(Max Weight: 4 pounds)
  • Lionhead Rabbit (Max Weight: 3 3/4 pounds)
  • Mini Rex rabbit (Max Weight: 4 1/2 pounds)
  • Himalayan rabbit (Max Weight: 4 1/2 pounds)

Top 5 Largest Breeds of pet rabbits

  • The Giant Angora (starting at  in at around 9 pounds)
  • The British Giant (starting at 12.5 pounds)
  • The Checkered Giant (weighs in at around 11 pounds)
  • The Giant Chinchilla (It weighs about 12 to 14 pounds)
  • The Flemish Giant. (This bunny is around  13 to 14 pounds)
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