How to Set Static Philips Hue Bridge IP Address Fix Dropouts

philips hue bridge where to buy

If you are having problems with your Philips Hue Bridge dropping its internet connections, try to set a static Philips Hue Bridge IP Address. That should fix the most dropped connection issues. As well as issues like no hue bridge could be found.

My Hue 2.0 Bridge was dropping out every couple of days, so I started looking into why. It seems to be my TPlink W8980 router was losing a connection to the internet about once every day. maybe the Hue Bridge was not receiving a new DHCP address?

Setting up a Static IP address for The Hue 2 Hub seemed a logical next step. You can read up on how to upgrade your old round Philips hue bridge to the new 2.0 square version.

How to Set a Static Philips Hue Bridge IP Address

philips hue static ip change

There are 2 ways to set a static IP address for your Philips Hue bridge

1. Assign a static IP address range in your router using the Address reservation using the MAC address of the Hue Bridge. (If you ever change out your router you will need to redo the DHCP reservation)

2. Assign a static IP address in the Hue App which will send the details to the Bridge.

Either way will work and I have done both ways to prove it works. Do whatever is easiest.

Let’s go over setting a static IP address, in the Android Hue App.

Hue app static IP address

First of all download the Philips Hue App, for either Android or Apple IOS. Open the application and make sure you can see the Hue Bridge and the Lights if installed.

If you are unable to see the Hue Bridge hub, make sure power is connected and an Ethernet cable is plugged into your internet router. Don’t go through any other switches, just plug-in direct.

Click the top left-hand corner which looks like a cogwheel. This is the settings area for the Philips Hue Bridge, Lights, and Accessories.

Click Hue Bridge to change network settings.

Philips Hue Changing DHCP to a Static IP Address – Zigbee Channel change

Change philips hue static hue ip dhcp

To make changes in the App, after clicking the settings cog-wheel, chick Hue Bridge which will bring up a screen like the one on the left.

Take note of your Hue MAC address and write it down. Actually, write down all the information here. That way if something goes wrong you can put it all back in and get your hub up and running again.

You can also change the Zigbee channel number from 20 to something else, this will help if you have issues with your lights getting interference with other Zigbee products. Neighbors etc.

Look for network settings and press that. Select DHCP on the next screen.

Philips Hue Network Setting Troubleshooting

static Philips Hue Bridge IP Address

This is where you manually input the network setting for your hue bridge. You will need the following information.

  • IP Address – Current DHCP address Assigned by your router.
  • Netmask – Usually
  • Gateway – This is the IP address of your Internet router. like

Change these settings to what you want or need and select save. Congratulations you have now set up your Philips Hue static IP.

If it all locks up or can’t connect there is an incorrect setting.

To fix this use a paper clip to press the little hole on the bottom of your Hue 2.0 bridge. This will reset it to the factory settings, and you can set it all up again.

Reserving IP address in your Router for your Philips Hue Bridge Mac Address.

Reserving an IP address in your router is another way to make sure your Philips Hue hub will get the same DHCP IP address each time it reboots.

To find your current Philips hue bridge IP address log into your router, and check the DHCP clients list.

To set this in your router, log into your router first. Look into your documentation to see how to do this. But for me to log into the TPlink router, I had to go to and use the username/password of Admin/Admin. Good time to change your Router password now if you haven’t already.

Setting the static IP address for your Hue Hub means you can control your lights from anywhere in the world. Using certain smart apps.

Hue Router DHCP Address Reservation – Not sealed

Next go to DHCP reservation address section, and add a new rule. For the Philips Hue Bridge you will need to know the MAC address which looks something like 00:83:33:21:8A each number will be different for each Hue Bridge.

The hue bridge Mac address is also written on the bottom of the device.

Philips HUE IP dhcp reservation mac address tplink notsealed

Also add in the IP address that you would like the Philips Bridge to connect to. Select Enable and you are good to go.

Now whenever you need to reboot, have a power failure, or just renew the DHCP, you will be given the same IP address from your router.

This solved the issues of the Hue Bridge losing internet communications for me. While the lights still work, you will be unable to control your lights from away from home. Think of security settings to make it look like someone is home.

For a great read on installing a complete Philips Hue lighting system in your home, check out our detailed 3rd Gen Hue review. If you would like to do voice control of your Hue lights and impress your guests, check out the Google Home voice commands list.

Let me know below if this Hue IP address change has helped you.

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  1. Tx. I have had problems with hue and eve products. Sometimes they where not ‘visable’ for the HomeKit app. Now i have static addresses for the Apple 4K tv, hue bridge and more items at home. The responce is bizar more then before. Many tx.

  2. if every 5 min my internet led and the central zigbee flashes this could help? that is my issue. I rebooted everything so I can not even add my lights again…


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