How to Install a Powered Wifi Security Camera Yourself

how to install wired security camera swann

Setting up home security can seem like a complicated process, but it really is very simple. With a few simple steps and planning, you can have your house inside or outside monitored 24 hours a day, either from your Computer, Email, or Mobile device.

SWANN ADS-460CAM whats included

We show you how to install a hard-wired security camera yourself. We will be installing a Swann 460 ADS wifi CCTV camera with a few simple electrical tools.

If you would prefer a more modern wireless security camera install check out our post on how to install wireless security cameras for rental properties.

How to install security camera wiring

First, make sure that you can get power to your security camera. This is done either by tapping into an existing 240v / 110v power supply or if required running a new electrical cable to supply power. In my case, I tapped into an existing circuit using a single roof Socket base plug like the ones used for our downlight installation.

roof socket

Drill a 16mm hole for the camera cables to pass through into the roof space. Then screw the camera into the ceiling with wall plugs and screws or if going into wood or cement board the appropriate screws.

Plug the cables into the GPO roof socket and power on the unit. One thing to mention is the camera already comes with an 8 GB micro SD card pre-installed. This is where the motion-triggered videos and images have been installed.

How to Install a WIFI Security Camera

Once you have power connected you will need to connect to your WIFI and set the camera parameters. This is done by pressing the WPS button on your router and also on the camera cable leg. 

Swann wifi security camera manuals can be downloaded here

Pairing the Swan 460 camera and your router using WPS, What you will need 

  • A router with WPS capabilities and WPS enabled
  • DHCP active on your network (typically with the router as the DHCP host)

1) Press the WPS pairing button on your router. This button is located in different places on different routers – some might require that you press and hold the button and others might only need a momentary press. Check your router’s documentation or ask your Internet Service Provider for assistance.

swann cctv install roof
Power supply to cctv camera

2) Press and hold the WPS/Reset Button on the Swann 460 camera for three to five seconds.

3) Don’t hold the Reset Button too long, or it will reset the pairing you just did

4) Your router should signal that pairing is successful, again check the documentation for information on how it displays this.

Other Settings of Note:

  • Set Alarm: Select enable the alarm, moving detection, video record, and capture the image.
  • Email notifications: Set SMTP to your email provider’s details. You will get an email with a video file and pictures if set up correctly on movement.
  • All in all, this was an OK camera for the price. If anything I would like a better angle view which is about 45 Deg, which is great for a hallway or narrow passage but not much else. Enjoy.
  • Setting an alarm trigger of 9 was perfect for me. The default of 5 wasn’t triggering movement.

Swan Software

SwannEye HD software is a free desktop program that enables you to monitor your wireless network cameras, like the Swan 460. The program allows you to schedule recordings, configure your camera, set the alarm when any motion is detected, and to change settings on each Security camera on the multi-screen display. There is also a Swan Mobile app for changing settings but I found it was crashing the camera. Hopefully, an update will be out soon for the Swan Android app.

App Here on Play store

Swann security camera review

The swan wi-fi security camera has been an ok security camera. The main issue I have is the beam angle. It’s just not wide enough.

Sure for a hallway or monitoring a driveway, it would work well. But to monitor a whole backyard is just not wide-angled enough. Very little information on the beam angle for this camera.

As for dropouts, it’s all fixed. Not sure if it was updated firmware or software-related.

I get an email on each motion detected with pictures and a 10-second video file. I have set up rules in Outlook to move each email into a Security folder for review at a later date.

Security camera installation cost

Expect to pay around $50 to $100 per camera for an electrician to wire them up to the main house power. Some newer security cameras are battery-powered so the installation cost will be cheaper as you are not paying for any electrical cabling.

If you are installing the security camera yourself then the only cost is for the cameras.

Update 2023

I have since upgraded my Swan cam to Eufy wireless security cameras for my rental property

Eufycam 2C is a great security system. It is a shame that all the work above was for nothing as it has now replaced it. But I will leave the instructions here if someone needs it.

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