how to install akrapovic ti on MT07 yamaha

The Akropovic Ti is considered to be one of the best sounding exhausts for the Yamaha MT07, FZ07. Not only does it sound fantastic but it will also increase power and torque over the whole rev range.

In this article, we will go over some Tips and Tricks on how to install the Akropovic Ti carbon on a Yamaha Mt 07 motorcycle. Now even though the included instructions are fantastic there is some room for improvement.

Tools needed

tools to install akrapovic muffler on MT07
  • Socket set 3/8. Especially 17 and 22mm sockets.
  • Akrapovic Titanium Carbon Exhaust System.
  • Metric open and ring spanners, 12mm.
  • Metric Allen keys 5mm and 6mm.
  • Pliers or spring pullers.
  • Blanket or towels.
  • Gloves.
  • 3/8 Torque wrench.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Heat gun or hairdryer.
  • Akrapovic Installation Instructions.pdf
  • Project Time – Approx 1.5 hours.

Most people should have these tools in their garage. The 3/8 EPAuto torque wrench is a new addition for me. It has been very valuable when working on my cars, motorcycle, and jetski.

How to remove your old FZ07/MT07 exhaust.

2018 yamaha mt07 stock exhaust

Removing your old stock exhaust system is a very easy project. In fact, I got my 11-year-old son to help me with it. It will go a lot smoother if you have an extra set of hands.

Start by removing the 2 Allen key bolts from the right-hand side footpeg. It is best to move the rear set out of the way or tie it up with a little bit of string.

how to remove mt07 stock exhaust

Next, remove the oxygen sensor located on the right-hand side of the exhaust. Be careful unscrewing this sensor as there is not a lot of room and you don’t want to damage the wires.

Yamaha MT07/FZ07 stock exhaust oxygen sensor

I unclipped the first two clips to make this easier. Swing the oxygen sensor out of the way.

remove oxy sensor FZ07 mt07

Now you can loosen off the 4 exhaust header bolts but don’t remove them all the way out. I had to use a 150mm extension bar to get extra reach.

MT07 exhaust headers

The last 2 bolts to remove are under the left and right footpegs. I like to use a few towels stacked up to take the weight of the exhaust when it drops. Double-check that the MT07 oxygen sensor is out of the way so that it won’t get damaged. I had to use a ring spanner on the left exhaust bracket bolt due to the lack of room.

mt07 stock exhaust bracket bolts

Lastly, take the weight of the old stock exhaust and spin off the 4 loose header bolts. You will find that the stock exhaust will come right out with some simple manipulation.

how to remove mt07 exhaust system

How to install the Akrapovic Ti Carbon exhaust system

The Akrapovic Ti exhaust will come in a box about the size of a small tent. There are three sections that are held together by springs. I was amazed by how well they packed this exhaust.

Everything you need to install this beast is in the box. I like that they also include coper never seize paste for the oxy sensor and thread lock for other bolts.

The only parts that are missing are the 2x copper exhaust crush washer gaskets for the header pipes. This is not a big deal as I just reused my old ones as they looked fine. I would look at replacing them if you want to do the job properly.

Attaching the header pipes to the engine.

Akrapovic Titanium MT07 installation procedure headers

I found this was the hardest part of the whole project. For me, the pipes were slightly out of the center so I had to use a piece of wood to prise open slightly the header pipes to make them fit into the engine exhaust ports.

The block of wood was enough to provide some leverage to open up the pipes slightly. Then they dropped right in. The instructions say to only finder tight the 4x header bolt nuts. This is so there is some wriggle room when we install the slip-on muffler.

Tip: If you have trouble keeping the copper header gaskets in place just use a dab of the copper never seize that is included in the package to tack them in place.

MT07 crush washers exhaust

The instructions called for finger-tight header bolts. This is so you will still have some play in the header exhaust during installation. Remember to tighten them up at the end.

At this stage, you can install the oxygen sensor. Start by putting some copper paste over the threads and screw the oxygen sensor anti-clockwise around 10 times. You can now screw in the oxy sensor and tighten it up to 29ftlb. Reclip in the wires to the cable clamps.

Attaching the Akrapovic Ti Carbon exhaust.

akrapovic ti muffler install on Yamaha MT 07

First, we need to mount the muffler support bracket. Use a few drops of the supplied thread lock (white tube) on the 4 stainless steel bolts. Then bolt the bracket onto the muffler. This will stop them from vibrating loose over time.

locktite akrapovic ti exhaust bracket

This is where the fun starts, there is not a lot of wriggle room available so take your time. There was a quality control sticker on the inside part of the muffler so I removed this as it would catch when the two parts would join up.

I found it was best to heat up the muffler sleeve to enable easier slip-on operation. This can be done with a variable temp heat gun or a hairdryer set on high heat.

Once the sleeve is hot to the touch you can then insert it onto the header pipes fully. The instructions called for a rubber mallet to tap it in, but once you install the springs they will pull in tight. There isn’t much room to use a rubber mallet anyway.

Having a car hydraulic jack is handy if you are doing this exhaust upgrade yourself. You can rest the exhaust on the jack and lift it into place. If your hydraulic jack is not working you can fix it yourself easily.

MT07 2018 akrapovic Ti carbon
MT07 2018 Akrapovic Ti carbon

Use a second set of hands or a few towels to prop up the Akrapovic Ti exhaust system. You can then align the muffler bracket to the underside of the motorcycle and tighten the two bolts with either a ring spanner or socket set.

No just do these bolts up loosely and then move back over to the header bolts and start doing them up a few turns each and alternate between each of the 4 bolts. You want to tighten these header pipes up evenly using the torque wrench to 16ftlb. Once they are tight move back to the muffler support bolts and do them up.

Final Check

Once your new exhaust is in the correct position go over all the nuts, bolts, and springs to make sure they are tight. All of the nuts and bolts should be tightened to 16ftlb. Wipe the whole exhaust down with soapy water to clean off any fingerprints which could get baked on.

tighten exhaust header bolts to 16ftlb

Start the Yamaha Mt 07 up and look for any leaks. I like to use a strip of paper around 1/2 inch wide and 3 inches long. Use some needle nose pliers to hold it around the exhaust header pipes to look for any leaks. The paper will flap around if you have a leak.

If you have an exhaust leak try to tighten up the bolts more, or you will have to remove the header pipes and replace the copper gaskets.

There may be some smoke comming either from the inside or outside of the exhaust. This is normal as it is burning off some excess oil used in the manufaturing process.

Now take it for a ride and you should be able to hear and feel the difference in sound and performance. If you couple this with the MT07 air filter mod upgrade you will really unleash the power of this motorcycle.

Check out how this exhaust looks and sounds on my Yamaha MT 07 in the video below.

Likes and Dislikes of the Akropovic Ti Exhaust.


My big dislike is not having new exhaust gaskets included. These parts are cheap and they should be included. I also didn’t like the stamped-out exhaust header clamps. They look flimsy and could be bent if you do not have a torque wrench. The Yamaha stock clamp was a solid piece of metal. I guess it is a weight-saving measure.


I really like the look and the sound of the Akrapovic Ti carbon. The flush under bike mounting is a great idea and it makes the motorbike more streamlined.

The sound is more of a meaty rumble than stock but still quiet enough that I won’t annoy my neighbors at 6am in the morning. I have been told that after a few hundred miles that the sound gets even better as the baffle packing beds in.

The video below shows the installation of the Akrapovic on the MT07/FZ07 as well as a sound comparison at the end.

As the Akrapovic Ti carbon exhaust is made out of Titanium it can be made with a thinner-walled pipe. This makes it lighter overall. The increase in power across the whole range is fantastic.

It comes with an EC certificate in a small plastic pouch. This is good if you get stopped by the police with an aftermarket exhaust. You can prove it is compliant. In fact, Yamaha sells this exhaust as an optional upgrade in most dealers. Just check online for better prices and discounts.


  • Power +0.7 kW at 8200 rpm
  • Torque +0.8 Nm at 5500 rpm
  • Weight -1.9 kg



Racing Line Titanium
Max. powerkW50.7 / 8800 rpm51.3 / 8900 rpm+ 0.7 / 8200 rpm
HP (m)69.0 / 8800 rpm69.7 / 8900 rpm+ 0.9 / 8200 rpm
HP (i)68.0 / 8800 rpm68.7 / 8900 rpm+ 0.9 / 8200 rpm
Max. torqueNm65.1 / 6550 rpm65.2 / 6650 rpm+ 0.8 / 5500 rpm
lb-ft48.0 / 6550 rpm48.1 / 6650 rpm+ 0.6 / 5500 rpm
Weightkg7.25.3– 1.9
lb15.911.7– 4.2
%– 26.4
inst. timemin45
Ecu remapping requiredNo


This exhaust installation procedure is one of the best upgrades you can do for your Yamaha MT07. Once you finish this upgrade why not do some other mods to your MT07 that are cheaper.

Now get out there and enjoy the new rich sounds coming from your motorcycle.

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